Sunday, May 24, 2020

Consequentialism And Its Effects On The Greatest Happiness...

Consequentialism is a belief that was formed in an attempt to determine what actions are right or wrong. It is the view that an action is considered to be morally right if it produces better consequences than any other available action would have produced. For example, take into consideration someone debating the morally right action when confronted with the decision of whether to study for a test or whether to go to a movie. According to Consequentialism, studying for a test would be the morally right action. This is because the consequences of the action of studying: getting a good grade on a test, are better than the consequences of the action of going to a movie: enjoying the movie. Utilitarianism is a form of Consequentialism based on the Greatest Happiness Principle. This principle states that actions are right in proportion as they promote happiness and wrong in proportion as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness. Utilitarians apply this principle in their belief that one should consider every possible action they may take and choose the one that produces the greatest overall happiness in the world. Utilitarianism is different than Consequentialism because it focuses on human happiness as the consequence of actions. Consequentialism is broader and only takes into consideration better consequences, not what specifically makes one consequence better than another. To help understand a Utilitarian view, it is useful to differentiate between intrinsically andShow MoreRelatedDoctors Involved In Potential Torture600 Words   |  3 Pagesgive the side effects of certain medication and build a strong relationship with the community. The importance of becoming a pharmacist is to help patients maintain a healthy life not interrogating the patients. This is the same for all the health care fields; the main theme is to help the patients and view perspectives of the patients, and not to harm them. 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Shaw in â€Å"Consequentialism†, â€Å"...when it comes to rightness or wrongness, nothing matters but the results of our action s† (Shaw 28). Then the question is, what exactly does it mean for a consequenceRead MoreIs rule-utilitarianism preferable to act-utilitarianism Essay1772 Words   |  8 PagesIs rule-utilitarianism preferable to act-utilitarianism? Classical utilitarianism is a normative ethical theory which holds that an action can only be considered as morally right where its consequences bring about the greatest amount of good to the greatest number (where good is equal to pleasure minus pain). Likewise, an action is morally wrong where it fails to maximise good. Since it was first articulated in the late 19th Century by the likes of Jeremy Bentham and later John Stewart Mill,

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Medellin Sustainability - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1880 Downloads: 7 Date added: 2019/08/16 Category Biology Essay Level High school Tags: Sustainability Essay Did you like this example? Abstract Medellin was one of the worst cities in the world in the 1980’s and 1990’s. This was due to an increased amount of illegal gang activity. The government in Medellin to change the environment for the better. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Medellin Sustainability" essay for you Create order The way they did this was by introducing some development goals that were set to decrease crime rates and improve total quality of life. Things that were done by the government were things like introducing new forms of transportation and fixing old ones. The government made these goals that connected with the 21st article in the United Declaration of Human Rights. The government has made lots of improvements but there can be more things done to further improve the quality of life for the people. Introduction Medellin has changed a lot since the 1980’s and the 1990’s. Back then there were crimes everyday and people dying daily. This was due to all the gang related activity happening there. Medellin is in Colombia where it is always warm weather there in colombia. This meaning that there is nothing to deter crime. In Medellin the temperature does not change a whole lot â€Å"During an average day in the city the temperature typically ranges from 63.2 to 82.1  °F†(Weather and Climate in Medellà ­n: The City of Eternal Spring. (2017, May 26). This means that even in the coldest months it is still not freezing cold. In places where the temperature changes and it becomes cold crime rates decrease because it can be too cold for crime to happen but this does not happen in colombia it is a constant weather year round however, in Medellin there are two rainy seasons where it can rain for most of the season. It can rain up to 21 days a month in those rainy seasons (Weather a nd Climate in Medellà ­n: The City of Eternal Spring. (2017, May 26) .Even with all the violence in Medellin the government decided to try to decrease the crime rates in medellin by introducing Development goals that had targets that they had to accomplish by a certain year. Medellin wanted to become more sustainable and to become more urbanized. In the development goal they have implemented a some different things to help decrease crime and increase the urbanization of Medellin. There has been lots of development goals happening in Medellin throughout the years. Past History Of Medellin In the 1980’s to the 1990’s Medellin was known as one of the most violent city in the world. This was due to all the illegal activities that were being done in the area. Gangs took over the area and created a lot of crimes at very high rates. Pablo Escobar was the leader of the gang that was fighting with the government. The cartel sells drugs â€Å"Medellin is one of the most violentcities in the world because of the cocaine cartel†(Farah, D. (1991, March 10). Drugs are a big market of selling because there are always going to be people who want a certain drug and are willing to pay top dollar for it. This is why the drug cartels are successful because people want what they have. The cartels have many people killed to protect themselves and everyone that works for them. According to a Medellin spokesperson they said that there were only 1200 deaths in that year. People did not believe him because lots of killings go left unreported so thereis a higher number of murders depending on who is asked â€Å"In 1990, according to police figures, 4,637 people were murdered in Medellin, up from 4,141 in 1989.†(Farah, D. (1991, March 10). There was an increased amount of people killed during the years in the 1990’s. Many people were dying at the hands of cartels in those years; however the Government wanted to change those statistics and decided to make development goals in wish of lowering crime rates and increasing urbanization. Problems In Medellin Problems in Medellin were mostly associated with all the gang activity that was happening at the time. These gangs killed thousands of people every month at gunpoint for what looked like to be no reason â€Å"in April, when killings surged to as many as 40 a day†Farah, D. (1991, March 10). This meaning that lots of people were dying daily this number is one of the highest numbers in the world. Another problem in Medellin is the environment this meaning that the way they live in is bad they have bad air quality and other problems. These problems includeâ€Å" significant problems associated with transport–such as energy consumption, air pollution, the excessive growth of car ownership, congestion, accidents† also things like bad use of green spaces or deterioration of green spaces amongst other things. What They Are Doing To Fix It The government in Medellin wanted to fix these problems and so they came up with a development goal to help accomplish the things they wanted to change. So they implemented â€Å"the Development Plan 2016–2019–‘Medellin is counting on you’†(Andrews, J. (2017, May 31).With this plan they wanted to increase the amount of transportation a person can use. In this planthey wanted to integrate the systems from a larger transportation system into their system to make it better for the people using it making it more widespread and accessible to the people who wanted to use it. Doing these things would increase the quality of life that the people felt and make the people overall more happy to live there. Things the government of Medellin plan to do â€Å"The city is looking to achieve infrastructure that favours the movement of people using non-motorised modes of transport;†(Andrews, J. (2017, May 31). This means that the government wanted to add more things like bikes and other ways of transportation that did not include motors and that would benefit the environment. Other things that would be done would be â€Å"Strengthening the use and culture of public Transportation†(Andrews, J. (2017, May 31). The government wanted to improve the conditions regarding accessibility and road safety of the population. By doing this not everyone will need a car and can rely more on the public transportation. This is good because with everyone having a car the streets were becoming more and more crowded and it became harder to move around. Another thing According to Andrews with everyone having cars this decreased the air quality in Colombia because there was more exhaust fumes coming out of cars because there were more cars around. How Medellin Is During The GoalMedellin is in the development goal right now ‘Medellin is counting on you’. With this goal they have increased the quality of life for the people that live there .The governments approach was †Medellin has successfully implemented an integrated and multi-sector approach that has included a combination of violence prevention programs†(Ijjasz-Vasquez, E. (2017, July10). They split of the city into different part s and looked at them individually and added what needed to be added to the city to make it better for the people whether it be crime prevention or something else. They did these things so they can make a better and more livable city for the people there. They implemented cable cars and added the system â€Å"MetroPlà ºs, which is fully integrated with the existing underground metro and cable car systems, EnCicla bike share†(Medellà ­n: A Leader in Sustainable Transport. (2014, September 04). This system helped the people get around the city of Medellin more easily than before because now they borrow a bike or take the public transportation which will reduce the congestion due to all the cars and increase the air quality. During the goal they have added and remade parks and green spaces â€Å"1.6million square meters of new public space, including 25 new parks and 11 new promenades.(Medellà ­n: A Leader in Sustainable Transport. (2014, September 04). The government wants to make the city better so people can enjoy living there. Before there was a bad system of transportation and lots of crimes. During the development goal the transportation system is beingupgraded and the crimes rates are being reduced. The car emissions were decreased a lot â€Å"Vehicle exhaust emission control and sulphur content improvement†(Sustainable Transport Award Medellin United Nations Partnerships for SDGs platform. (n.d.). This meaning that thegovernment is making new laws for car companies. UDHR The development connects with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The development goal connects with Article 21 in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Article 21 states â€Å"Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly†(Universal Declaration of Human Rights. (n.d.). Therefore people can participate in the government themselves or have people that they voted for participate. So people going to the government to get bills passed and talking about things to do is participating in the government. People do not have to be elected officials to take place in the government. This is what the 21st article says, everyone has a equal right to participate. Conclusion/Solutions Medellin is already becoming better than it was in the past due to the government trying to make it better. Somethings that can be further done to improve the conditions for people who live in Medellin will be to further enhance the fuel efficiency of the cars that are driven for example like the public transportation and the privately owned cars. This will decrease the amount of exhaust that is produced and help to increase the air quality in Medellin. Another thing would be to add more green spaces and parks for people. By adding more public spaces forpeople life quality can be improved for people because they will believe that the government is trying to better the city. Colombia has done a lot to improve the overall condition that the people live in by â€Å"focusing on the improvement of public spaces, enhancing physical connectivity, and expanding education.†(Medellà ­n: A Story of Transformation. (2018, October 26). This means that people are becoming smarter because t hey are improving technology and public spaces and other things that make a person overall life quality higher. Citation Page Andrews, J. (2017, May 31). Why Medellin is counting on citizens to improve its sustainability.Retrieved from Running Head: Sustainability In Medellin9sustainability/Ijjasz-Vasquez, E. (2017, July 10). How is Medellin a model of urban transformation and social resilience? Retrieved from, D. (1991, March 10). RECORD MURDER WAVE OVERWHELMS MEDELLIN. Retrieved from Medellà ­ns Most Crime-Ridden Area Became a Top Tourist Destination. (2018, April 11). Retrieved fromà ­n: A Story of Transformation. (2018, October 26). Retrieved fromà ­n: A Leader in Sustainable Transport. (2014, September 04). Retriev ed from Running Head: Sustainability In Medellin10Sustainable Transport Award Medellin United Nations Partnerships for SDGs platform. (n.d.). Retrieved from Declaration of Human Rights. (n.d.). Retrieved from, A. (2016, May 13). Story of cities #42: Medellà ­n escapes grip of drug lord to embrace radical urbanism. Retrieved from and Climate in Medellà ­n: The City of Eternal Spring. (2017, May 26). Retrieved from

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Argument Against Gay Marriges - 1237 Words

Arguments against gay marriges Though there are differences in the views of different faiths, conservative Protestants, the Catholic Church, Mormons, traditional Jews, and Muslims share two fundamental antigay arguments. The first is that homosexuality is wrong because it involves sex that doesn t create life. In the case of Judaism, a key Bible passage is the story of Onan (Links to an external site.), who sleeps with his dead brother s wife but, to avoid giving his brother offspring, doesn t ejaculate inside her. Instead, he spilt the seed on the ground. God slew him, which some might view as a sign of disapproval (Links to an external site.).The Catholic catechism decries (Links to an external site.) homosexual acts because they close the sexual act to the gift of life. Early American antisodomy laws discouraged all forms of non-procreative sex (including, incidentally, heterosexual oral and anal sex). Islam shares a similar view. One Islamic hadith explains that Allah will not look at the man who commits sodom y with a man or a woman. But if non-procreative sex is the issue, society started down the slippery slope not with the recent Supreme Court ruling but with production of the pill—or, really, even earlier, when birth control became common. We ve been into the non-procreative sex thing for some time now. Even most religious conservatives don t have the heart to go after this. If sex without the possibility of creating life is wrong, then religiousShow MoreRelatedSame Sex Marriage Is A Basic Human Right1092 Words   |  5 PagesMarriage The right to be with who ever you want.. Marrige its a strong word its the meaning of ingagment.. As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. said marriage is a basic human right. You cannot tell people they cannot fall in love While he said this is marriage between races, the same can be said about homosexuals. Who are we to allow some people to get married, and tell others they cannot. However years ago, homosexuality was unacceptable. Most that were gay hid it from others and did not act upon it. They

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Lesson plan in english free essay sample

Story telling (Short Story A Fishing Trip by Douglas Schnorr. Before telling the story, the teacher indicates the author of the story) During the story telling, the teacher points out and give emphasis to the words in past forms. After telling the story, the teacher may be asked by pupils or pupils will be asked by teacher for further discussion of the thoughts of the story being told. Introduction of the Subject Matter Teacher introduces the subject matter. The teacher states that verbs can tell about activities happened in the past. The teacher explains thoroughly that for the regular verbs, -ed, -d, -ied can be added to the base form of the verb to express past action. The teacher explains that for irregular verbs, -ed, -d, -ied cannot be added to the base form of the verb, but some verbs have the same base and past forms of the verb, there are changes in the verb (pronunciation). We will write a custom essay sample on Lesson plan in english or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page And the few have a completely different and the same base forms to denote past action. The teacher stresses the differences between past and present forms of the verb. ? The teacher, in every activity. Gives more examples and illustrations to make sure that pupils understand. c. SKILL BUILDING ACTIVITIES i. Whole class work †¢ The teacher lets the class read the story in chorus as a drill to check pupils’ reading skills (pronunciation, intonation†¦) †¢ The teacher reads the difficult words and lets her pupils repeat after her. ii. Small Group Work/Pair work Activities The teacher, using the flashcards with words on their past and present forms, asks pupils to read and use the words in sentence to be written on the board. †¢ The teacher asks pupils to change the sentences from past form to present form, and present form to past form to see really the difference in forms and uses. iii. Teacher-Task †¢ The teacher discussed further the subject matter and may ask pupils questions to check if they understand the lesson or not, especially on the irregular verbs. iv. Student-Task d. Closure/ Debriefing The teacher divides the class into two groups. Using the two bases labeled past form and present form, the teacher facilitates a game that would measure if children were able to comprehend lesson presented, and develop the sense of cooperation and leadership in them. The teacher gives the flashcards to each group. The members determine if the verb written in the cards is in the past or present form. Each group should have participants or representative every round. The first group to fill the boxes is the winners. After the game, the teacher conducts a 5-term quiz. She lets her pupils choose 5 words from the game and use in sentences (the words can be either in the present of past form). VI. ENRICHMENT ? After the quiz, the teacher asks pupils to write in a paragraph form their past summer experience or their most unforgettable summer experience by using the past forms of the verb, and the next day, let the pupils share their work to their classmates as a review on the past lesson (about the past forms of the verb) before moving on to the next lesson.